frankt nice fall bass 19in....5lbs....landed at maltby lakes,west haven....
beerfish I think you might need to invest in a new scale, that looks more like 3lbs. Nice fish though.
bassinbrooksy judging by most of your pics you need to get better with your estimates or buy a scale brother. nice fish but its in the 3 lb range i catch them all the time, 5lbs is quite a bit bigger than this
bassinbrooksy also to nitpick a little more i noticed that the fish isnt in fact 19 inches but it is 18, first of all you measure from the bottom lip while the mouth is closed not open and the bottom lip on this fish stops at 18 1/2 inches and the tail isnt all the way to the end but more like a half inch in so nice 3lb 18 inch fish